Monadnock Quaker Meeting Jaffrey-Peterborough, NH USA

A painting of Mount Monadnock

Who are the Quakers?

Quakers are a faith community, open to all and worshiping around the principle of “that of God in every person.” We meet weekly, worshiping in silence unless someone in attendance has a message he or she wishes to express to the group. This simple form of worship grew out of the religious reforms active in England some three hundred and fifty years ago. Since that simple beginning, Quakerism has spread around the world, founding schools and hospitals and advocating for equality, justice and peace. In fact, the world-wide Quaker community received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947 in recognition of its contributions to human welfare, particularly during two World Wars.

Who are we at Monadnock Quaker Meeting?

We are a local group of people, presently about fifty in number, who have been drawn to this Quaker community by a sense of shared values and spiritual support. We meet weekly for worship, monthly to conduct the business of the Meeting, and occasionally throughout the year with other Quaker groups in New England. And we invite anyone to visit us, and join with us in our continuing spiritual journey.

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